OBSKYR ART – the artist from Stockholm who experiments with unusual materials and presents colourful works inspired by street art.
Sara Källberg, from Stockholm, who creates colourful contemporary art under the pseudonym OBSKYR (obscure) has in a short time participated in several major exhibitions both in Sweden and abroad. Only two years after Sara’s first exhibition, she has participated in a long series of exhibitions – from Bjuråker in Sweden to Seoul in South Korea.
Sara creates during late evenings and nights, having many sources of inspiration, although street art and graffiti are what shine through most clearly.
Sara likes experimenting with materials and often paints on old screen-printed canvases, also working with plexiglass and boxes of various kinds. The works are expressive and rich in contrast, frequently with integrated text or symbols and a raw, rather than refined technique. Her screen printing frames come from a disused printing shop, and Sara allows paint residues, stickers and careless notes to remain on the frame as traces of previous activities, letting them become a natural part of the new ones. The canvases are made with semi-transparent and ”let through” paint, which gives a slightly distorted version of the motif on the back and becomes a work that can be viewed from both sides.
Experience Obskyr Art with her characteristic pop art through mixed media in unexpected materials and exciting techniques!
Exhibition period July 27 – September 29
Website: obskyrart.com
Instagram: @frokenobskyr