Åsa Gamgam Leanderz

ÅSA GAMGAM LEANDERZ – the artist from Mariestad who powerfully and boldly composes oil-painted tones with both depth and height.

ÅSA GAMGAM LEANDERZ was fascinated by the world of art at a young age. And even though she had an early interest in painting and drawing, it was photography studies at Mullsjö Folkhögskola that she initially steered towards. In the photo laboratory she spent both days and nights. Creativity flowed and it was here that she built  the groundwork for her artistic development. This was followed by art studies in painting and drawing in France, and somewhere along the way the thought of actually becoming an artist was awakened. Eventually she moved to Hungary where her studies at the Hungarian Academy of Arts led to a master’s degree in painting.

Throughout her life as an artist, Åsa has been awarded multiple prizes and scholarships and has many exhibitions on her CV. Åsa lives in Mariestad but her roots are in Värmland. In addition to her artistic degree, she  is also a midwife and a doctoral student at the new postgraduate program at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Skövde.

Åsa, like many other artists, gets her inspiration from the nuances of nature. She says; ”I draw inspiration from nature, especially the spring light is inspiring to capture, with oil paint on canvas, spending time outdoors with the easel. Also the human body, as well as faces can inspire me to paint.”

Take the chance to experience Åsa’s powerful and figurative oil paintings, landscapes, still lifes and model paintings during her exhibition at Gamla Kraftstationen.

Exhibition period June 1st – June 26

Website: www.leanderz.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeanderzART

Instagram: @asaleanderz

Åsa Gamgam Leanderz