CONNY LARSSON – the experimental artist from Högåsen who traded pitchfork and whiteboard for paint brush and palette.
Conny Larsson lives on the farm Högåsen, just north of Deje, together with his Hillevi and three dogs of the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed. Cows and calves graze in the fields around the farm, animals that used to belong to the farm but are now owned and cared for by a tenant. After having been involved in organic farming and vegetable growing since the eighties and being a part-time teacher, he has, as he puts it, partly due to age and partly for health reasons, swapped pitchforks and whiteboards for paint brushes and palettes.
Conny says; ”Art has always amused me and over the years I have managed to gather a small art collection, mainly of artists from Värmland. However, it is only recently that I have started painting myself, so I do not have any artistic training (yet). When asked what inspires me, I don’t have a good answer, but since I see a lot of art, new and classic, it’s reasonable to assume that it gives me inspiration and ideas.”
Abstract images with strong colours dominate Conny’s painting. The techniques are varied and he uses watercolour as well as acrylic, oil and spray paint. He enjoys experimenting and finds it exciting to play with shape and colour. The artistic process involves painting and if the result appeals to him, he considers the painting finished and then gives it a title.
In the exhibition at Gamla Kraftstationen, the viewer can expect a colourful experience open for free interpretations. ”Aesthetic expression must convey what can only be conveyed that way. Visual art can be the poetry of the eye as music is of the ear. Welcome to my dream world”, greets Conny, who also wishes the visitors a lot of fun!
Exhibition period August 31 – September 29