DAVID TEDFELDT – the visual artist from Karlstad who paints freely and intuitively, letting his works unfold into telling different stories.
David Tedfeldt, from Karlstad, has been active as an artist for about twenty years and describes that he is an artist because the possibilities to express oneself through art are endless!
David mainly works with painting. Often with nature and landscape as a starting point. ”From there I can then let different stories unfold,” says David, who likes to work freely, intuitively exploring color and painting as expression. Other sources of inspiration are ordinary everyday life as well as music, film and literature.
David has multiple educations, for example, he studied art and design at Lunnevad Folkhögkola and painting at Domen Art School in Gothenburg. Also represented with public works in several regions and municipalities, David has been awarded a number of scholarships over the years.
During the exhibition at Gamla Kraftstationen, visitors can encounter David’s characteristic paintings in acrylic and gouache. Works that are to be looked at for a long time.
Exhibition period: May 1st – July 21
Website: davidtedfeldt.se
Facebook: DavidTedfeldtBildkonst
Instagram: @tedfeldt_bildkonst