EMIL ÖSTERHOLM – the inventive artist from Härnösand who, using wood and salt burnt stoneware, takes the art of ceramics to new heights.
Emil Österholm from Härnösand in the northern parts of Sweden, is an artist and ceramicist with a style of his own. Joy is central to his creativity, and the unique robot sculptures have become both a well-known concept and a signature. In addition to his robot sculptures, Emil also constructs machines of various kinds. Among other things, he has created a toaster that was made on behalf of the Swedish well known comic duo Filip and Fredrik for a television program on Channel 5. Emil has also been part of Swedish National Television series ”Dreja – en kärlekshistoria”.
Emil has a solid aesthetic education and has many years of studies in the arts and crafts. He also has a long list of awards in his CV and he is represented in various public settings around Sweden.
Emil finds inspiration for his inventive sculptures and powerful utility objects made of wood and salt-burnt stoneware, in both contemporary times and history, but above all in ceramic craftsmanship, skill, and through his own imagination and playfulness.
During the exhibition at Gamla Kraftstationen you can experience Emil’s unique, ambitious and imagination-provoking work. Go on a journey of discovery among machines and robots and find your own favourite!
Exhibition period July 27 – September 29
Website: www.emilosterholm.com
Instagram: @emilosterholmceramics