Eneida Grenegård

ENEIDA GRENEGÅRD – the colorful artist with a fondness for cows, who fills her heart with life.

Eneida Grenegård from Karlstad is a completely ordinary girl who recently graduated and who now fills her days with a creative job and lots of work with animals, both domestic and wild, at home on the farm. Other interests are books, theater and music. A passion is painting! Acrylic painting is her medium. Her works are often saturated with thick paint in many layers. The colors are many, just like everything that inspires Eneida in her artistry. She prefers to paint animals and nature, but also things that are inside her. A source of power.

Eneida’s immense love and fascination with cows is unmistakable. Perhaps this is also why she produced the book Kohjärta (Cow Heart) some time ago. Eneida is both the author and illustrator of the book, which contains many paintings and lots of cow poetry. The book has become very popular and talked about.

Eneida describes her book like this; ”The book Kohjärta is about cows. I love cows. Cows are like us. Happy and silly and ordinary and different. I’m also a little different. 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Adhd. Dysphagia and dyspraxia. And my heart was broken when I was born. It could be fixed. Luckily! Now I can fill it with life. All the fun there is. Maybe you think my paintings are funny? Maybe sad? Maybe feel them? In your heart. I hope so!”

During Autumn, you will encounter Eneida’s characteristic, colorful acrylic paintings that she hopes will make the viewer feel both sadness and warming joy. The book Kohjärta will be available to buy in the shop.

Exhibitions start September 30

Instagram: @eneidagrenegard

Facebook: eneida böcker och konst