GALINA DAVYDTCHENKO – the artist from Stockholm who is in love with architectural landscapes and is inspired by abandoned places, houses and factories.
Galina Davydtchenko lives and works in Stockholm. She has been painting and drawing for as long as she can remember. When she got older, she trained at the Art Academy in Saint Petersburg and has taken several independent courses at Konstfack. Galina works mostly with oil paintings but also makes original graphics.
Galina has received several scholarships and is represented in a large number of municipalities in Sweden. She is productive and active in exhibition contexts both nationally and internationally.
Galina is in love with architectural landscapes and she is fascinated by abandoned houses and she explains: ”The experience of looking at ruined and dying buildings and documenting this process is a supporting foundation in my artistry.” Starting point for her work often exists in real life but then through her imagination the work becomes the beginning of a new world. Galina paints her own worlds, her own fantasies about cities, buildings, factories and the people who lived and worked there, their everyday lives and their dreams for the future. Many of the buildings that originally inspired Galina’s work no longer exist today, others are ruins and fragments that are about to disappear as time moves slowly forward.
At the exhibition in Gamla Kraftstationen, Galina shows oil paintings with motifs of the periphery of urban society, residual products and traces left behind by people. Take some time to explore and view Galina’s captivating work.
Exhibition period: May 1st – July 21
Instagram: @artgalinad