LOUISE WARNQVIST – the adventurous artist from Hammarö who sees color and shape as her language.
Louise Warnqvist lives and works in her studio at home in Hammarö. When she is not painting, she and her husband are sailing around the world. Louise tells us that they came to Australia on their round-the-world journey, and this sailing season the journey continues towards Thailand. Louise is also professionally active, to a reasonable extent, as a contact lens optician. Louise has always had pencils and brushes nearby, but in her younger years she did not paint at all. But now, when she has more time, she can’t help it. Louise has taken many courses in both Sweden and Denmark.
Louise loves nature. Forest and water, rain and wind. Her big inspiration is weather, she explains and continues; ”We live next to our forest and our rocks on the shore of Lake Vänern. No more is needed to be inspired.”
Louise uses various techniques such as crayons, markers, gouache and acrylic paint. She paints on canvas, watercolour paper and rag paper and uses sushi sticks and needles as well as her own fingers as tools. ”I see colour and form as my language, not representational, but preferably with details that you can look at for a long time,” says Louise, who brightens up Gamla Kraftstationen with abstract works that are well worth looking at.
Exhibition period May 1st – July 21