Täcklebo Broderiakademi

TÄCKLEBO BRODERIAKADEMI (Täcklebo embroidery academy) – the skilled embroiderers from Värmland who embroider freely, without patterns but with a lot of joy.. 

Täcklebo Broderiakademi, Karlstad, is a group of embroiderers who let free embroidery’s creative inner process decide what motifs come out on the fabric. As a kind of vedic art-like flow, they try to go beyond rules in the free space of embroidery.

For the exhibition, each individual has embroidered within the theme “What is joy?” ”We thought about what joy can be for each of us?” Joy being an inexhaustible source, there was no difficulty finding inspiration. The work, which is a collaborative work, now consists of a long series of embroidered joys. The thousands and thousands of stitches tell small and large stories of life’s precious silver linings. 

Täcklebo Broderiakademi invites you to a free embroidery workshop during the season. Stay tuned for dates. Are you curious about Täcklebo Embroidery Academy?

Exhibition period May 1st – September 29

Website: tacklebony.wordpress.com 

Embroidery needles:

Yvonne Molnberg

Eivor Friman Jansson

Ewa Hellsten

Anita Kindemyr

Birgit Johansson

Ulla Dersjö

Kristina Eriksson

Lena Löndahl

Karin Hjalmarsson

Berit Degerman

Ingrid Eliasson

Gudrun Midebo

Britta Stolpe
